Hello fellow solvers and compilers.
I am toying with the idea of trying something new. Something that has not been done before.
As some of you know, I compile my own crosswords, but haven't had time lately to pursue this with vigour.
So, what I am suggesting is this:
I am currently holding a fully constructed 21x21 grid in my files with 52 clue answers filled in.
Trouble is, there isn't any clues for the words yet, and this is the interesting bit.
I would like you guys and gals to write the clues.
How can we do this I hear you say!
Well, what I propose is that the grid's four outer walls are 4 words of 21 letters which I will clue, so not to give an unfair advantage. Which leaves 48 remaining clues to set.
Depending on how much interest is gained, I will allocate the rest of the words between all of you.
For Example, if 12 people are interested, then I will allocate 4 words to each person or if 24 people, then 2 words to each, and if a number in between, then some may get 2 and some 3 etc, we'll see how that pans out.
I will create a new email address for this purpose and post it on this site, I suggest you do the same if you feel uncertain about sending your email address to me (It only takes a few minutes to create a new email account and you can just ignore or bin it later if you choose)
Then when I've received enough interest, I will send out the selected words to each new compiler (you guys) . When you receive my correspondence with your words, I would like you to compile your own clues and send them back to me with an explanation of wordplay (To save any confusion).
When I have all the returned clues, I will complete and format the crossword and link it back on this site for everyone to have a go at.
The beauty of this is that you will only know the answers to your own clues (no sharing answers but hints are welcome)
I will also place a KEY at the foot of the crossword displaying who compiled which numbered clues.
Please let me know if you would be interested in playing a part in this new idea. it would be great if 48 people got involved, because that would only give you 1 clue each.
If it takes off, then maybe I could make it a regular thing every 3 months or so.
All the best, Les40