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12th December 2011, 13:13
To ask for it is to show some cheek. (4)
11 of 106  -   Report This Post


12th December 2011, 13:17
A fundamentally sound clue, Aristo...
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12th December 2011, 13:18
13 of 106  -   Report This Post


12th December 2011, 13:29
I'd quite like it to be "bottom" but somehow don't think it is!
14 of 106  -   Report This Post


12th December 2011, 13:31
Your "bottom"'s getting warm though.
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12th December 2011, 13:32
Wendy, you're asking for a slap, girl!
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12th December 2011, 13:44
Half an hour. Should I give the answer and have someone else give a clue?
17 of 106  -   Report This Post


12th December 2011, 13:45
I'm quite stuck with that! Sure it's a bit "risque" but can't get to grips with it!
18 of 106  -   Report This Post


12th December 2011, 13:45
Is it slap, or perhaps kiss ?
or is either too cheeky ;)
19 of 106  -   Report This Post


12th December 2011, 13:47
AB seems to have it. Another from you?
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