Welcome to CLUE CHAIN
Because I was ill last week and forgot to start on Thursday I wondered whether anyone fancied a go today?
The idea is to start with a cryptic clue - set by me this week.
The first correct solver (judged by the setter) then has to offer their clue and so on. Please wait until you are invited before posting your clue. It would be nice if explanations are given and setter will confirm or explain.
The person who solves the 1st clue is asked to kick off the next week's CLUE CHAIN. (Thursday 15th Dec around noon). Please confirm you will do this when you post your clue.
Once you have solved and then set a clue you cannot enter again, although you can still comment
30 min time limit per clue and if not solved the setter must declare the clue 'open'. At this time the slate is wiped clean and everybody can enter again. The setter will then choose the first correct answer posted, explain the clue and invite a new clue. If no correct answer is offered the setter must invite attempts and decide who shall post the next clue.
Game closes 18.00 GMT
This week's opening clue is:-
Sounds like America's arm in arm for syrup (7)