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21st July 2011, 17:28
Finished at last. I know we don't like these people but are they necessarily uncultured? What's the connection please?
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21st July 2011, 17:57
The hidden word is 'uncultured'.
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21st July 2011, 18:15
Thanks Tony - of course it is, in fact had never heard of it used for a poinder (scots word that Columba didn't use).
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22nd July 2011, 21:15
Out of town, a day late, but filled the grid.

Thanks sudokulover, for the tip that the hidden word has 10 letters. Had assumed the word was SENESCHAL (9), but had an extra "I" at 34A.
Now have the correct answer, which fits both definitions.
So, still missing a few letters. Have an "S" at both 34A & 26D, so that's wrong.

BTW, can anyone explain the wordplay at 31D? The word is obvious from crosses, but "advanced" doesn't seem enough.
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22nd July 2011, 21:18
Scratch 26D.
I'm losing letters, not gaining, though that one was redundant.
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22nd July 2011, 22:36
Never mind. I see the light.
Once a letter is highlighted, it's out in both directions.
The preamble seemed to imply it only happened once. At least, that's the way I interpreted it.
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24th July 2011, 18:14
Can't reconcile 6th letter of 36a (m) with 5th letter of 26d (n).

Any tips, please.
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24th July 2011, 18:33
The M is correct

26d is BOSOMED (enclosed)
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24th July 2011, 19:51
Thanks Tony.
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