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14th July 2011, 23:23
Could be. But I'm going with E.
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14th July 2011, 23:29
Hope you're right peterm. That one ambiguous letter is a favourite trick of Doc's.

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15th July 2011, 03:10
In case anyone was wondering about the full story for this clue. It is obviously a misprint and should be "without" interruption. CONTINUO = Bass part, as previously mentioned US = ut supra = as above, as NOT previously mentioned.
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15th July 2011, 03:20
34 Ac
Wordplay is as follows. It's a double meaning. A plural noun which, starting with an upper case "C" names a native American tribe which gave its name to a confederacy when it joined some other tribes, and with a lower case "c", the solution can mean bays or inlets.
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15th July 2011, 13:03
Does anyone know what the "three pairs and one trio" in the preamble is all about?
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15th July 2011, 13:24
It refers to the number of words in the phrases that the unclued answers make.
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15th July 2011, 14:09
Sorry AJT, still don't get it. E.g. one of the titles has 6 words. How does that fit in with the preamble?
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15th July 2011, 14:14
Sorry, I explained it badly; eg 4d is 3 words, then 3d and24d (2 words) make up the phrase.
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15th July 2011, 14:21
Alles klar. Thanks AJT.
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15th July 2011, 14:40
macht nichts, peterm
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