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14th July 2011, 11:07
another defn would be "a foppish silly fellow"
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14th July 2011, 11:07
Bootlebarth - think of a magazine/comic for k.ids
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14th July 2011, 11:28
Sorry folks I still can't get 1d beyond having ?i???n?

Broad hints will be very welcome.
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14th July 2011, 11:32
1a & 40a are the pair related to by the title "Parky" so if you can get them that would give you the first letter of 1d.
My 1d doesn't really mean hauling ? but it would if it had an extra letter"H" in it in 5th place?
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14th July 2011, 11:33
Ah! - just checked in Chambers and it can be the same word.
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14th July 2011, 11:40
Thanks again SL
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14th July 2011, 11:51
morning all.

can the brains trust help with 17a?
gaps remaining in cargo section (6)
Not sure which part is the definition?
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14th July 2011, 12:02
Hi Terry - the definition is gaps. If something is remaining, it's been ?
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14th July 2011, 12:03
gaps is the definition, word for remaining inside initial letters. Not a great clue.
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14th July 2011, 12:03
"what remains" inside Cargo Section. Gaps is the defn
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