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mrs trellis

14th July 2011, 12:13
Hi Susan, thank you for your invitation. It might take me a while to get there as under Trumpington's Variation I have to go via Trafalgar Square, unless it's a weekend, when I can only travel northbound on the Jubilee Line.
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14th July 2011, 19:07
Ah, that's okay. I quite understand. Had you considered the Bakerloo Line as far as Upshot and then on to Marble Arch. Just a suggestion. Looking forward to greeting you with tea and fruit cake.
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14th July 2011, 19:41
Susan - do you mean 'tea and A Fruitcake'.

this thread must be a little confusing to anybody who hasn't listened to "I'm Sorry I Haven't a clue, the self-styled antidote to panel games" on BBC Radio 4.

ps. Pipesmoker,
Has Mrs P. not yet suggested that you buy a bicycle for your goldfish?

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14th July 2011, 20:46
Welcome Mrs Trellis,
Beware of the roses, they'll grow on you.
Nice to the the ISIHAC brigade surfacing. Does anyone remember the Angus Prune Tune and I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again?
Who dared suggest there are weird people on this site? Just don't log in during a full moon.
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15th July 2011, 00:46
Poster 33 = spineless nonentity.
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15th July 2011, 00:52
Aoilfie or something like it...

Don't mean to be rude,but by the time I type this I forget the spelling of your name!!!

What the "f" are you on about?

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15th July 2011, 01:05
Yes, you are rude, and extremely thick, and I have a proper name, unlike the one you have dreamed up for yourself. So, goodnight, blah blah, and the rest of your usual patronising bollocks.
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15th July 2011, 01:11


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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

15th July 2011, 07:08
Just a thought, Aiofe, but if you're only going to be rude and abusive why bother posting? I'm quite sure that you would never speak like that if you were face-to-face, so why do it on here? You have brought negativity to what has been a very pleasant thread, and for what? It certainly reflects badly on you. If I am wromg, and that is your normal mode of speech, well there's no helping you.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

15th July 2011, 07:20
Mrs Trellis,, there is a way to get to the latest posting on a particular thread. At the top of the screen you have the address bar. If you look at it there is the usual followed by a number which related to the particular thread you are on, in this case 159928/finding-a-thread. Delete the title, but not the whole address, so in this case you would delete the words finding-a-thread, and type the word offset/ followed by the number of posts less one. Then if you click on the arrow at the right of the address bar it will take you to the end of the thread. It looks more complicated than it is, cos if I can do it anyone can!
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