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Crossword Help Forum
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10th July 2011, 13:31
Mrs. T - just a little something else which you may like to know. Besides doing crosswords, Mamya is a great knitter. It could be anything from a Victorian Mansion to a lean-to shed.

She's currently knitting something for Pastille but I've forgotten what it is.
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10th July 2011, 14:15
It,s a wildlife pond.

If it comes any where near the standard of my shed extension. It will be a revelation!

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10th July 2011, 15:46
Welcome, indeed, Mrs Trellis.

You might find that some of the people on this site are just a wee bit eccentric. I'll tell you more about them as soon as I have walked the goldfish.

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10th July 2011, 15:51
Nice to meet you Mrs Trellis. Pipesmoker, what a stupid comment. You know the goldfish likes to run about in the garden.
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10th July 2011, 15:54
Thanks, Barrycat, but the last time I let him off the lead, he chased my neighbour up a tree.
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10th July 2011, 15:55
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10th July 2011, 16:09
Hello Mrs Trellis welcome to the Forum there are some lovely people who are so helpful and always ready to help you out.
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10th July 2011, 17:43
Yes, ready and waiting. The fish is back in his cage.

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10th July 2011, 17:53
Hello Mrs T
Although the site is called Crossword Help, you'll find it's also used as a quiz forum. All I would say is that if a member asks for a CLUE, then please give a clue, not the answer. Sometimes a gentle nudge from a different viewpoint will help solve the question
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mrs trellis

10th July 2011, 18:44
Well thank you all, I am overwhelmed by your kind welcome. As my NBFs I would invite you all to dinner but it's a long way to North Wales. I hope the knitting projects are all successful. Who knew those things were possible? I clearly have a lot to learn from you folks.
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