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2nd July 2011, 15:07
Agreed, Dot Dash Dot Dash. It looks good, and I understand your thinking. However, I don't have the crossword, and Jolan is happy with what he/she has got.

Incidentally, Jolan, tonyw was doing this crossword last night. It will be interesting to see if he posts.

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2nd July 2011, 15:10
Don't do that, please, Joker. I might find myself talking to myself for ever.
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gok wan acolytes

2nd July 2011, 15:12
Looks like it should be passeD, Jolan.

By the way this site is now grinding to a halt on my computer - both on IE and Chrome.

Is anyone else still having problems?
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2nd July 2011, 15:13
Hi pipesmoker. WOW! Sorry to have missed your reply. It does seem a bit convoluted, even for the Saga setter. There's no indication as to why L would 'go in'. A brave effort. Wonder if it's correct?
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the joker

2nd July 2011, 15:15
To ".-.-"

I am using Chrome and experiencing no problems at present.
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2nd July 2011, 15:17
Hi, Jolan, As The Joker rightly said, ch could be short for child, of which son could be one. The clue said something about son left, so assuming son to be ch, chaise is the seat aise and left L - your original answer aisle. Confused?

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gok wan acolytes

2nd July 2011, 15:19
Its now speeded up again.

AND I've just realised how easy it is to import my favourites from IE using the "spanner".

Think I'll stick with Chrome, now.
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gok wan acolytes

2nd July 2011, 15:21
I have to repeat that whatever logic leads to to AISLE as the answer - it fits no definition in the clue.

Aisle does not mean empty or empty seat.
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2nd July 2011, 15:25
Hi again P. No way, can I see how the 'L' would go in (from the clue). Now if the clue read
Passed English having slipped behind - E + LAPSED, I'd 'buy' Dot's ADDLE which is, indeed, EMPTY in Chambers.
But the clue doesn't read as I'd like it to.And, even though the Saga setter can be very tricke, his/her answers are always fully 'explainable'. I still can't see a close to reasonable explanation for AISLE

Tonyw, where are you?
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julie, aberdeen

2nd July 2011, 15:28
He posted that he had finished it last night
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