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1st July 2011, 17:20
Was your weather as good as it was in Lanarkshire? I hear that some people were actually undoing a couple of their coat buttons in Buckietoon.

Mrs P is off on another of her holy jaunts. This time to Salamanca. Her weather was 40 celsius, which I think is about 104 in real money. Ever seeking Brownie points, I have spent much of today sticking self adhesive lead to the top of the windows. My 'trouble' doesn't lend itself to jumping on and off ladders, so I will have to take a rest for two or three days. Starting with my 3 o'clock coffee which I am now enjoying.

Good to have you back. Adds a bit of tone to the place.

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the joker

1st July 2011, 17:40
I trust that Mrs.P will be bringing you back a scallop shell from her Pilgrimage.
I feel you have been a tad remiss in not escorting her on this journey in view of the high temperatures at this time of year,so maybe you don't deserve to wear the scallop shell.
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1st July 2011, 18:26
Actually, it must be a blessing not to be accompanied by me on holiday. I tend to moan a bit, especially if things cost much more than fourpence. Anyway, somebody has to stay behind to keep the cat company/be ignored by the cat, according to her whim.

Perhaps all the hard work I intend to get through twixt now and Tuesday will earn me a scallop shell.

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