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julie, aberdeen

30th June 2011, 20:34
Using answerbank's "search" facility I notice "Givinearman" asked your Law of road question in the Quizzes & Puzzles section on 27 June at 19.52 - only one answer "Aardwolf" only 8 letters so no good but you might want to keep an eye on that site in case a better answer comes up.
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30th June 2011, 21:07
Thanks everyone for trying it has got me completely stumped.
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30th June 2011, 22:32
Collins dictionary defines the aardwolf as a South African nocturnal mammal which feeds on larvae and termites. Might be stretching it a bit, but is it possible that the SA spelling might have a double o?
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30th June 2011, 22:38
weimerama is the only 9 letter dog i know
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30th June 2011, 22:44


30th June 2011, 23:16
its weimerama then
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30th June 2011, 23:34
quizmad, when you get the results, will you please post this answer? Aardwold is almost the anagram I thought must be in there somewhere, but not quite.


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gok wan acolytes

30th June 2011, 23:52
Two problems Billie

Its Weimaraner or Weimeramer - both 10 letters

and there ARE other 9 letter dog names

Great Dane
Lhasa Apso
St Bernard
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1st July 2011, 01:58
wondered if it might be MAXIM????

just a thought.
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the joker

1st July 2011, 02:06
Have just returned from holiday,and have been
catching up on the site.
Hope I have managed to log in properly!!
Pipesmoker congratulations you have nailed this 9 letter dog.
Chambers gives alternative spelling as AARDWOOLF.
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