A couple of days ago I mentioned to Trevor,on another Thread,that I was glad that he and I had managed to keep out of the "genius" Thread.
Since then things seem to have got worse,and I am finding it increasingly difficult to remain silent.
The final straw were your remarks directed at an 80 old lady,who I have always found to be erudite,helpful and polite,over the two years I have known her.You should hang your head in shame.
I liken your conduct to that of schoolboys who are brave enough to stick their tongues out at the teacher,when the teacher's back is turned.
I will say no more here,as I am really angry,but if you and/or the other disruptors continue in this vein,you will find out what real abuse is. I am not like the Saintly AJT.
I am so annoyed that I am disclosing my name which I have never before done.
George Kerr