Hi Pipesmoker & sallyw,
Sorry for bursting into your thread, but I didn't thank you for your encouraging words after my little hissy fit last week.
That night I was so angry that "people" started taking "pops" at AJT, who to me is always there to help.
I feared I would say something that I would not regret...and be banned.
You have to admit there are some of us, and we know who we are, not only stick our heads above the parapet, but wear a fluorescent vest and shout "come and have a go if your think your hard enuff!"
Don't we Sal?
Decided to have a break...
Changed my mind the next morning when I got that delightful post from "me".
But, we can not keep falling for the bait.
I will try to rise above it...
I am "seriously" not going to be around for the next few days...so you all take care now.