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15th June 2011, 00:25
Hi, WJ,

Yes, got the answer, but simply by looking at the blanks and filling them in with what looked like a person's name. Haven't the slightest notion what the clue means.

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15th June 2011, 00:30
Hi Pipesmoker,

Not seen the crossword, what was the clue and letters.
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15th June 2011, 00:45
Hi, Mr Light,

Just re-read your ps to your first posting. I agree with it all, except the bit about horses. Big beasties with a sharp end and a blunt end, and they are both dangerous. I tried a shot once at the local riding stables, and have to admit that I was the class failure (I was only forty at the time, too). The wee lass who was guiding Dobbin for me said, 'It will be fine when we start to canter.' Admittedly, it was very sure footed, but I was still glad to get off. Bravery was never my strong point.

Also went on an elephant once. It was even more terrifying. Twelve feet from the ground and sitting on a plank on its back, while it wandered into a river. The mahout thought I was trying to be funny when I expressed fear of falling. There is something reassuring about terra firma when you are actually standing on it. The thought of approaching it at thirty two feet per second squared is less attractive.

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15th June 2011, 00:47
Pipesmoker, love the post! Very visual!
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15th June 2011, 01:32
Thanks, Sallyw. Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I was on line trying to buy decorative lead which must be in place before the return of Mrs P. Costs more to post than it does to buy. Am I a misery? Emphatically yes.

Anyway, you were asking about some clues. The first was Drink that in France is an island. (10) and Make of car has key in tent. (7). I did get them, but not with the degree of ease that others on the thread did.

Best wishes.

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andy pandy

15th June 2011, 08:25
18 across is simply an anagram of "by brent handle" Using "with care" as an angaram indicator is a bit of a liberty if you ask me, but it's all good fun.

Now, I've a solution (beginning with B) for 19d, but I'm not sure it's right. Where does the "district" fit in? 13d (2nd letter is V) I surely have right, but haven't twigged the noisy (sounds-like)seat. 24a will be my last to solve, when the penny drops. Cheers all :~)

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15th June 2011, 08:47
Good morning all,

Andy Pandy - 13d - regal seat, hope that helps. As for 19d, I have 'M' as the first letter, but will admit I'm not at all sure if it's right!

Best wishes
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andy pandy

15th June 2011, 09:58
"13d - regal seat, hope that helps"

Thanks Lainey, it certainly does. I had wrongly entered "turned" as the second part of the solution. 24a now falls into place leaving only 19d. Starts with M, perhaps. I'm still thinking about that one.

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15th June 2011, 10:07
Morning all,
Lainy and Andy Pandy re 19d Yes it does begin with M. The 'police district'is a slang word for the area they work in.
Hope that helps.
Best to all.
And 10x's to you too Wee Jock!x
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15th June 2011, 10:53
Hi Karen,

I didn't have a problem with that [I must have watched too many police dramas] but, although Chambers doesn't confirm it as such, I also understood it to be the area of operation of a criminal gang.

Kind regards,

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