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12th June 2011, 04:30
BRÉLER v. tr. assembler, fixer à l’aide de cordages (des poutres, un chargement)
to assemble or fix with ropes (beams, a cargo)
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12th June 2011, 09:28
Where did you find that, turast? It's not in my Larousse or Robert.
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13th June 2011, 04:43
My memory is cluttered with all sorts of esoteric and mostly useless information.... but this time I remembered where "Le Petit Robert" was on my bookshelf. 1970 edition. The first word on P 194.
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13th June 2011, 07:14
Thanks turast. Mine is the 2004 edition, so that might support my feeling that it's an older word. Good to have it cleared up.
Sorry, purplebird, to hi-jack your thread, but it was really bothering me.
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13th June 2011, 07:58
Thank you Turast for that; Calliewag, don't be put off by negative comments. As you have surmised, the word comes from an old document dated 1805.
Thanks also to the other contributors.

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