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10th June 2011, 00:27
Old McDonalds?
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blue moon

10th June 2011, 00:43
I agree with calliwag it is no good coming on here with a single word in a foreign language. It would have to be in a phrase or paragraph so that we can work out what it relates too.
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10th June 2011, 11:17
Here is the sentence that it is taken from:-

Cordes servant de brides attachées sur les grands câbles à O, et brelées sur les deux montant de chaque côté du chariot.

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10th June 2011, 14:13
(sorry, soelt my username wrongly earlier)

Thanks, Purplebird. I still can't get the translation. It looks as though it might be an archaic or dialect word, but it doesn't appear in any of the good dictionaries other than as 'forage'.
I make the rest of the sentence (which you may already know) as 'ropes acting as bridles attached on large wires/cables to O., ...... going up both sides of the cart.' I suppose it could be an example of using the whole for the part (metonymy, is it?), and mean 'bags for fodder', so that the whole thing might be a feeding system for cart-horses, but I'm only guessing. Sorry not to be more use.
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sir stephen

10th June 2011, 17:24
I hope we're not going to get any more French extracts about tying things to O. We don't want to get raided!
If you understand this comment, you should be ashamed of yourself.
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10th June 2011, 18:21
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10th June 2011, 18:49
Am I being naive here? if so, sorry, I'll retire while my reputation is (reasonably) intact. Will stick to straightforward crossword/quiz queries in future.
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10th June 2011, 19:02
I believe it was a reference to the writings of Anais Nin, although I could be wrong!
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10th June 2011, 19:08
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sir stephen

10th June 2011, 19:18
I believe the author was Pauline Reage, but I could be wrong. It was a very long time ago.
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