But Wetblanket doesn't add his usual one liner to "slanging" matches. He adds it to any post not strictly about a particular crossword/clue. He truly is a wetblanket.
Some disagreements/rows are inevitable on a site like this. They degenerate into slanging matches because people can and do hide behind assumed names (if you see what I mean). Having said that, some people practically beg to be abused because of the utter nonsense they inflict on the rest of us.
The night-time loonies are relatively harmless. A few insults either way and they usually leave.
The banning system is totally useless. You're only banned if you don't know the (ridiculously easy) way to get around it.
This site is many things. But the one thing it is not is a straight forward answer to clues thing as implied on the thread guidelines. Several crosswords have what amounts to discussion clubs and if you want to join it has to be on their terms. So why should it be so bad,or wrong at all come to that, if other people sometimes drift away from crosswords and idly chat.
As someone else pointed out there are often moans (rightly or wrongly) about helping people to get the answers for prize quizzes. But nobody seems to mind helping people win (even bigger prizes) on crosswords. Where's the logic in that.
If you can't be a little live and let live in your approach then maybe this is the wrong site for you.
This rambling post isn't addressed to anybody in particular. It's just a reminder that in the real world things don't always work in a way that you (me as well) think they should.