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17th May 2011, 17:17

Couldn't the person who starts your RT thread head it something like " Official RT21" or "RT Club" (I mean that seriously, not as a joke). Then all "members" would be able to ignore all other RT threads. You would still attract newcomers who may or may not want to play with you.
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17th May 2011, 22:03
Thanks Terry for giving thought to this matter.Your suggestion of two threads for each RT puzzle is still to my mind unworkable. I think it would be out of order
for anyone to claim that their thread was the official one and I do not think that
my like-minded puzzlers would regard us as a club! As I said before we must get on with it.My own line is to keep off the site until I have finished the puzzle or leave it until Friday or Saturday before seeking help.
Regards, Navigator
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17th May 2011, 22:14
So why did you tell everyone that you had finished it on Tuesday?
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17th May 2011, 22:17
I think that Terry's suggestion would work,give it a week or two, wouldn't hurt to try it anyway?
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17th May 2011, 22:24

I'm not suggesting running two threads for the RT.
I'm suggesting that you and your like-minded chums run a thread that is clearly identifiable as the "RT DISCUSSION FORUM" or something.
Non like-minded people can post their own separate thread if they want, but you guys can simply ignore it. It's a win win thing. You can quite reasonably keep your thread pure and unsullied by answers. Others are free to go along with that or ask for answers in their own thread. all the in-crowd will know which thread to look for and you will pick up new chums along the way.
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17th May 2011, 22:34

Terry makes good sense.

The RT thread was the first one I looked in on a few months ago, and even though I'm not doing the crossies in the summer months,still like to "nosey in" to see how everyone is.

Btw...hope you are keeping well Old Gal.


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