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20th April 2011, 20:29
Hi, Mondrian, Many thanks for the advice. It certainly makes sense because identifying someone in such a small community as this would not be difficult. It is one of those places where everyone knows everyone elses' business, and what they don't know, they simply make up. Having said that, it is a nice place to live.

Best wishes.

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20th April 2011, 20:37
Hello again, Mondrian. Re the Catholic Herald, I try both cryptic and quick. Very often the cryptic comes up with words I don't know, but the nature of the clue enables me to work out the answer. Perhaps it is a bit narrow for most tastes, but Mrs P has a wide variety of books which certainly help.

I think there must be a limited response as the prize winners tend to be the same people in rotation. I think I must have collected more than forty prizes over the past five or six years. That is my weekend entertainment. Mondays are for Wee Stinker, Tuesdays for RT and Thursdays for local rag crossword. On the other days, I just grump about.


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20th April 2011, 21:47
Hi Old Gal,

I'm pleased that the explanation was of help - the product of a twisted mind!

With best wishes,

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mad dog

21st April 2011, 17:59
If you would kindly indulge a 'new boy',I think I have an answer for 18d - synonym for faux pas, blunder etc - but simply do not get the "at noisy flat" bit. Any clues please?
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21st April 2011, 18:22
Thanks Caravaggio for the clues for 13D. Like Old gal I should not have got it otherwise. Still stuck on 5 and 6D though!!

Old gal hope you are soon feeling better.

Pipesmoker. Cumbrae sounds lovely. Visited it once when the Schola Gregoriana sang at the Cathedral of the Isles. Very impressed at your being able to do the Wee Stinker crossword. I wouldn`t even try!!

Happy Easter weekend to everyone and happy Easter to those who celebrate it.
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21st April 2011, 18:33
Mad Dog, sir: welcome to the site. Please don't be put off by the occasional bizarre and sometimes offensive contribution by care in the community posters. The word you need sounds like a slang word for squat/apartment. Not in the clue but I think it has also to do with fishing - what you spear the caught fish with. As a veggie I could have got that quite wrong!
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21st April 2011, 18:38
@ Mad Dog

Welcome! It's one of those 'sounds like' answers. If I was a Londoner, I'd invite you round to my **** - a slang expression for 'pad' or 'flat'.

@ Mondrian

5d. The answer is contained within the clue - to put on the ****** is to accept responsibility.

6d. Grand - G + four-letter synonym for 'passion'.

With best wishes for a Happy Easter weekend,

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21st April 2011, 18:42
Oh oh Caravaggio! If I were a Londoner, please. Faux pas, or xxxxx!
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21st April 2011, 18:52
Thanks yet again Caravaggio.

Robtherich welcome back. We haven`t heard from you for a while
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21st April 2011, 19:16
Hi Robtherich,

It's not an expression that we'd use in Cheshire!

With best wishes,

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