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23rd March 2011, 17:56
Actually, first choice, if I can find it, is 4 Roses. Lovely!
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23rd March 2011, 18:43
Oh bullfrog, now you're talking. Very difficult to get hold of now!
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the joker

23rd March 2011, 20:41
I am horrified that posters who have hitherto come across to me as being intelligent,prefer inferior imported whisky to the real thing.
Shame on them I say.
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the joker

23rd March 2011, 20:45
ps They can't even spell whisky properly,so what chance is there of making decent stuff!
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23rd March 2011, 20:59
the Famous Grouse is my 'from the cornershop' top choice and indeed i do feel more intelligent when i buy it.
however,i tend to get more pissed on the other stuff.

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the joker

23rd March 2011, 21:26
A person can get pissed on Brasso,trevor.
Grouse is an excellent choice,taken with a soupcon of water. This (a) brings out the flavour and (b) makes it last longer.
When I am feeling extravagant I opt for my favourite malt Glenmorangie.
All this talking has put me in the mood, so cheers Trevor,as I down one.
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23rd March 2011, 21:42
bottoms up TJ.
i'm off to buy some Brasso
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the joker

23rd March 2011, 21:48
Bottoms up,Trevor.As they say in the Royal Navy - Never leave your friends behind.
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23rd March 2011, 22:08
Should've specified bourbon - sorry! Glenorangie, lovely, and Jamesons - smooth! Of course that is strictly speaking whiskey! But having been given a bottle of JD for my birthday by my lovely brother - well what can I say except cheers! Or should I say being Welsh Ieched da!
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23rd March 2011, 22:18
The Joker/trevor,
Whisky is the one thing I never drink, after an extremely unfortunate incident many years ago.
One night, having enough whisky on board to power a rocket out of the earth's gravitational pull I thought it a good idea to shave nowand save time in the morning. Perhaps I had some secret fantasy about winning the Tour de France, whatever, but I shaved my entire body from the neck down. All of it. Woke up with bed sheets glued to me. Tearing myself free caused yet more blood to flow. It also took days to completely eradicate the trail of blood from bathroom to bedroom. Only plus point; it gave the wife a good laugh.
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