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16th March 2011, 12:14
Hi All, just got two clues left, and I think they're going to elude me...
Liked 4d - unlike Pipesmoker, I'd heard of the word and even knew its meaning [brag, brag]. Loved the poem PipeSmoker - can't do stuff like that. Also liked 16a nd 19a
Didn't think it too difficult, but as I said stuck on 6d and 20a
Any help from any of you clever b*****s out there, please??


Used to live in Brum when first married and one of my daughter's was born there - lovely people, very friendly...
PS Good to see you still with us, Old Gal!!
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16th March 2011, 12:18
Chris -- try looking to the East for the pan...
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16th March 2011, 12:25
Thanks, Bullfrog - much appreciated - sometimes I think I'm cleverer than I am....
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16th March 2011, 12:40
BTW -- on 6d your 'N' is wrong...
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16th March 2011, 14:22
Thanks, Bullfrog, was just dropping off for an afternoon snooze, when I realised the error of my ways..... surprising what springs to mind as you're dropping off.....
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old gal

16th March 2011, 17:52
Thanks Bullfrog - I, too, was stuck on 20a but the light has dawned! Any help on 13a - this is one of those I know right from the start I will have trouble with! Charlie - tell your human to get well soon! Hello to another fellow Brummy Chris. I feel I have done really well on this week's crossword... I must have a piece of cake to celebrate...
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16th March 2011, 18:20
Hi, old gal, see Bullfrog's tip to Chris in post 32. I don't think I could better that.

Best wishes.

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16th March 2011, 18:25
Sorry, Old Gal. That was a daft answer. Clearly, I hadn't read your post properly. Not only that. I don't have anything sensible to say about 13 down.

Sorry, sorry.

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16th March 2011, 18:35
Hello Old Gal! Did you mean 13d? If so you're looking for a verb, although you're probably more familiar with the adjective from it, which describes a particular type of artificial light.
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17th March 2011, 18:23
Worro Brummies! Own yow gewin? You all right our kid?
Guess where i was brung up.
Chris4Food, you're a bit of a nomad aren't you? Is it witness protection?
I thought the crossword was straightforward this week. I was stuck on 17d and could have kicked myself when it finally dawned.
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