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12th March 2011, 11:56
The Human belonging to Charlie - all good wishes to you for a speedy recovery from your chest infection. I suppose it is the season for these.

Pipesmoker. Glad to hear you recommend the SGH so highly. I will be visiting my brother who has just been admitted there.

Snow and lots of slush again here today!! I hear the weather is sunny in England.
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old gal

12th March 2011, 13:40
Snow, slush!!!! Dearie me.... we are having a bootiful day here in warwickshire - I have even ventured into the garden - not a cabbage in sight! Lots of weeds and cat poo though! Whoever is stuck on the presenter - he presents a hootenany at the New Year!!!!! Did see The Fly - I do actually like movies, I dont just read the publicity! Am jealous only of your wit Terry and Trevor - mine has gone!
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12th March 2011, 14:42
Sorry if no one responded to the Scottish joke, WJ. I think the answer is 'No you're right enough'.

Mondrian, your brother is in safe hands. My treatment takes place in the Neurological Unit, where they deal with things many GPs have never heard of.

PS, Tell your brother that the food has improved markedly in the past couple of months, since they now serve meals fresh, and no longer deliver them in plastic covered trays which tainted the entire meal.

I hope his stay is short, and that he is returned to you in full health.

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12th March 2011, 20:08

I nearly missed your post...

and Thank you I am most flattered.

I hope you don't think I am the type of woman who is only impressed with size.

BUT, just out of curiosity, how big is it?

Your Allotment. Give it to me in poles or rods.

These are linear measures of 16.5 feet often used in sizing up plots. Just in case any of you thought I was talking of Eastern Europeans or cut down Rodneys.

By the way, I forgive you any previous misdemeanour's with Old Gal, I have heard she is hard to resist.

And ...Get Terry, What a "romantic".

Must go, I am actually going out tonight.

Take care all p@
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13th March 2011, 00:13
Hi, just keeping this thread "up"!

BECAUSE I need a response...

from my "pals"

how sad am I?


Nightynight x
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13th March 2011, 00:20
Sweet dreams of generously-proportioned allotments and prize cabbages...
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13th March 2011, 00:44

Thank you for the response...

it may not just for me...but I am happy!

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13th March 2011, 00:45
Hi Pasitlle,
I happily respond to you tonight.
Have an excellent evening,
I've had a few drinkies this evening.
And several apologies to make.
And I'd like to thank several people for their support.
The foxes have started howling.Drat!
I'll post tomorrow.
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13th March 2011, 00:45
It was just for you, and I'm glad you're happy.
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13th March 2011, 00:59

Thank you, loving you both...big time!

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