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5th March 2011, 09:39
Thanks AGT. I've been puzzling over A. there aren't enough twelves. Agree with others. Great format and viva Araucaria.
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david w

5th March 2011, 13:10
A is one of the Grauniad's famous misprints. It is just a (7), not a (7,5).
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5th March 2011, 13:45
II've got only about 50% so far.

I'd be grateful if someone could let me know if the 7 letter B clue answer is an across or a down entry.
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5th March 2011, 13:55
Down is my best guess.
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5th March 2011, 13:55
It's a down entry
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5th March 2011, 14:00
I assumed it must be the one in the SE corner that corresponds with the other, 5 letter, B answer.

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5th March 2011, 14:02
The very corner :-)
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5th March 2011, 14:14
AJT post 9.
Why have a go at Liz? This is a HELP forum. Sure, there are people who want to solve it by themselves but why not just avert your gaze when you see someone about to give the game away? Don't read the replies if you don't want to know. Simple?
18 of 70  -   Report This Post


5th March 2011, 14:22
Shazam - I wasn't thinking of myself. I had actually finished the puzzle before I looked at this thread. However, if I hadn't already completed it I would have been upset that so much was "given away" - it was quite early then. And help is help and answers are answers - there is a difference. I think I gave some help at about the same time.
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5th March 2011, 14:24
So sorry. I was having a wee 'grump'. Your contributions are always polite and helpful.
Love XX
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