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5th March 2011, 09:09
Clues B and J appear to have two versions in todays Araucaria. Can anyone shed any light on this ?
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5th March 2011, 09:13
Hi Willy,

Not sure what "B & J stands for, but here's the online version.

I'm saving it for this afternoon in front of the fire so hope other solvers don't give us any answers.

Good luck - the format is one of my favourites!!!
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5th March 2011, 09:14
I see the link didn't quite work!

Anyway, if you either copy and paste the whole thing or look here you should be OK
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5th March 2011, 09:15
One is for an across answer and the other for a down. Look for squares where the first letter has two answers, e.g. first answer, top left-hand corner - across has 12 letters and down has 7, ergo that must be J.
Long Live Araucaria!
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5th March 2011, 09:18
Willy - this means that there are two words each beginning with B and J - unrelated.

A word of warning: For A i find that the answer is a 7-letter word, not 7 and 5, as shown in the clue.
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5th March 2011, 09:19
Sorry Liz...Perhaps I am being a tad slow but I'm afraid I am none the wiser. Could you explain a little more clearly ? And why are B and J the only ones with 2 clues each ?
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5th March 2011, 09:24
Wendy...just seen what you mean ! The penny has dropped.
This crossword will still be a stinker though, methinks !
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5th March 2011, 09:29
One across (for ease of explanation) starts with J, as does 1 down. These are the only two clues which share the same initial letter and have the correct number of letters per answer. B fits in towards the bottom right hand corner where, again, there are two clues which share the same first letter - B
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5th March 2011, 09:34
Liz - why give the game away so early in the day - lots of us get pleasure in working this out for ourselves
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5th March 2011, 09:39
Thanks everybody...I have managed to get H,W,K,and Y so far
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