Sorry folks. Put Everyman twice. Make that 12/13 per week. This is the first time I've actually counted. As far as I'm concerned, Everyman is the best crossword for those who are just starting on cryptics. The Independent has been, for me, by far the most statistically likely for winning prizes. By the way if anyone is wondering what I do with all the dictionaries, I donate them to the autistic & SEN facility at our local comp, where my wife works. At one point, I couldn't seem to stop winning them, so I "independently" negotiated with a kind person at OUP to swap them for dictionaries of equal value. Thus I got OD of Art, OD of Music, OD of Wine (they sent 2 of these by mistake, so I sold one half price to a mate). However somebody must have twigged, because the next time I tried to arrange a swap, I was given a sharp reproof. The following week some new wording appeared in the Indy blurb to the effect that the OEDs are the only prizes on offer.
I hope that when fellow sufferers read about my obsessive xword entering, and how long it's been going on for, that it will help them to understand my intolerance of the number of people on this site who seem quite happy to let others solve for them. Every now and then, you just have to concede one to the setter(s).