I won Everyman (Obsever).
Radio Times.
Both,last year,within the same week,having won nothing for years!
The only other I still post is the Guardian,but not always, because I often make a mess of the grid!
Keep trying you never know!
Good luck!x
Daily Mail 1994 £10
Sunday Times 2000 Gold Cross Fountain Pen(approx £280-300)
Daily Express 2008 £100
My Dad has won Sat Times many years ago, Prize was A pen inlayed with Lapis Lazuli.
He also won the Mephisto, I think the prize then was £20 book token or something like that
When I used to work whilst driving, I would photocopy the grid so I could just carry it around in my pocket all day,. That way, how ever dog eared it became when I finished it, I had the original to fill in and send.
Worth a go?
Also Karen, all the Guardian and Observer grids are available online - so you can download, print them and muck them up as many times as you like before submitting them.
Ta Lads this I know,however,my printer does not like me any more and refuses my commands. I find staring at a screen for too long not nice. I'm old enough to prefer working from paper. I'll ask hubby to help,
P.S yes it does have ink!
You lucky people (as Tommy T? used to say- my great grandmother informs me!) It'd be great to win something.I assume entries are just pulled from the proverbial hat!
Agreed, Dunderheid. Mrs Pipesmoker reckons she could be burned to a crisp on a Monday, and I wouldn't notice unless the corner of the Herald caught fire.
Congratulations, though. Winning this one was the acme of my crossword filling career