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12th February 2011, 11:51
What are you INFERring Judge?!! LOL
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12th February 2011, 11:56
Reading back thru the thread, Chrisg, you're right. LOL Maybe it will go on for four more centuries, eh?

I still favour the non-synonyn argument.

I realize, AJT, that the language changes but IMPLY and INFER? I find it difficult to accept that one can morph into the other. I see a need for both words to be different in describing different meanings. Else one, or the other, word might be lost.

PS. You're all just great. I've enjoyed the discussion. I'd better be very careful in my "5" in future. LOL
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the judge

12th February 2011, 12:00
EK! Are you inferring what I'm inferring or are you implying that I am inferring? Or, perhaps you're implying that I'm implying.

Oh! Let's call the whole thing off. You say potAYto and I'll say potAHto, la, la la lah.
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12th February 2011, 12:14
.... and TJ, some say sepErate, and some say sepArate.

I can be pedantic, too.
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the judge

12th February 2011, 12:33
Indeed, AJT! But that's called a "typo". I would have supposed everyone has done it, sepURately, from time to time. Bye now!
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12th February 2011, 12:43
The fact that the definition of infer has changed over time is completely normal - it clearly is now commonly used as a synonym of imply and accepted as such.
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12th February 2011, 12:49
... but wrongly so. One cannot escape the fact that the word has two completely separate meanings. The fact that they are seen as synonyms by some doesn't make it so. It actually removes a word from our very rich language.

One of many examples:- bad manners and/or behaviour in children has become widely accepted as the norm in our lovely land. This doesn't make it right.
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12th February 2011, 12:53
Shazam - I suspect you forget just how badly u behaved as a child!
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12th February 2011, 13:01
ps Chambers gives one definition of "wicked" as excellent/admirable
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12th February 2011, 13:13
I think you are very wicked, Ixion
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