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11th February 2011, 20:47
Hello folks. A tough one this week. I had my mind on other things so found it hard to concentrate on the clues. 6d and 21a are still the last ones to hold out. I have a feeling that the answer to 6d is another word for rabbit, but can't see why.
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11th February 2011, 21:00
Tom Cat
6d Think of a card game. Cant see any connection to a rabbit
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11th February 2011, 21:20
Evening Tom Cat.Re 6d Card game,think 'Texas holdt 'em'.
21a anagram of 'flower say'. TV prog.Hope that helps.Must go the cat is trying to eat my butter!
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11th February 2011, 21:21
Try this clue instead:

6D Pork or kebab eaten raw beginners game
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11th February 2011, 21:27

Thanks Philip. Now I see it (6d). Thanks Karen (21a). I've been trying to make sense of the wrong sort of flour!

Must be that accountancy course I did last week. Its really thrown my thought processes.

Karen. Hope you managed to rescue the butter from the cat. The late lamented Algebra used to look very appealingly at the butter dish, but was even more partial to raw chicken.
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11th February 2011, 21:52
Glad to be of help Tom Cat yes hubby,Martin, saved the butter whilst I was typing,slowly,as usual. I do hope your course was successful. Difficult days for all.
Bye the bye, have you read the 'parody of RT Xcrossworder's,its's rather amusing.

Although we're not the only thread who don't just hand out answers easily.
Like the
Guardian,Everyman and the Spectator!
Bless to all, and may your dreams be sweet

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11th February 2011, 22:04
Sorry Tom Cat,didn't mention,poor,lamented Algebra. Pusscat?
Ours was a Thistle,but she did live with us for 19 years.
Our present puss,is a rescue cat.
Most of his manners are good. Ouch!
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12th February 2011, 13:04
Hi all

don't know if I'm being particularly stupid today, but I'm struggling with my last answer - 21a.
I understand the question, I think, but can't figure out the answer.
Am I right in thinking that I'm looking for the name of a drama series?
Any nudges in the right direction gratefully appreciated.
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12th February 2011, 13:26
If my memory serves me correctly it is a drama series and is set during or just after WW2. But as I said I am replying by memory so could be wrong.
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12th February 2011, 13:28

Yes. You are on the right track. Think anagram.
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