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9th February 2011, 16:26
Just finished - thought this one was quite a bit tougher than recent weeks. Struggled with 2d, 4d and 6d.
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9th February 2011, 18:08
Good evening all,

Like Crypto, I've had a struggle with this puzzle and, curiously, I experienced difficulties with the same numbers, particularly 6d and, whilst I have an answer, I'm not sure about the wording of the clue. Am I right in thinking that the word 'stoking' could be substituted for 'stirring'?

I've noted Wendy's comments, and whilst I do empathise with her, I asked Ash to delete one particularly-offensive comment on a RT thread last year and nothing happened. For that reason, I'm not going to hold my breath...

With kind regards,

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old gal

9th February 2011, 18:11
Hello Mondrian - yes, I feel a little more in control of my black dog now and am taking an interest in the threads - particularly Wendy's. I think the best thing is just to ignore the offenders - taking them to task just fans the flames! Am tackling No 7 slowly as ever but will post for help later in the week.
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9th February 2011, 19:09
Good evening all.
Whilst I too am upset and disappointed by the rather vulgar and crude comments appearing on some of these threads, I do have to agree with the previous sentiments of old gal. Ignore and continue to help each other in the way that we always have.
Caravaggio, I too struggled with 2d, 6d & 18d. Yes, in answer to your question I do think "stoking" might be a better word to reach the answer that I have.
Did like 17d & 7a!
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9th February 2011, 19:17
Philip @ post 9 - Oh, no I haven't! Nor would I... Please look again at the poster. I'm innocent, guv.
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9th February 2011, 19:43
I do apologise. Must be the dementure - me not you

Caravaggio - yes stoker is more appropriate, but then there are a couple of clues with incorrect/ misleading words this week.. For example "Theatrical" in 8a is totally misleading, as its not a pure theatrical term. In fact I have one in my home, ans I dont live in a theatre.
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9th February 2011, 19:57
Can someone please confirm -
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9th February 2011, 20:24
Can I respectfully ask you to read the opening comment made by Philip to open this thread.
We do not like to simply give out answers but try to provide alternative clues to help and encourage people find the answers. In doing so people like myself believe that we are helping others to become more confident in tackling cryptic crosswords.
By simply listing answers (for a second time now on this thread) you are in fact spoiling the challenge of the crossword for those who open the thread not wanting nor expecting an immediate answer.
I'm sure there must be other threads and sites that will provide you with an immediate answer if that is what you want.
However, please feel free to contribute to this thread in the spirit that it was set up.
I do hope that you understand and will in future support us in this aim.
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9th February 2011, 20:37
Sorry. Someone called Philip said keep all RT postings on here. So I do that and what happens,you start having a go at me. I can't win. Is this a xrossword clue solver or not for christs sake. How cum you guys have your own rules. Do you run this site or what.
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9th February 2011, 21:05
I'm sorry if I have upset or offended you. That was not my intention, and I certainly did not mean to have a go at you.
Yes, this is a crossword clue solver.
We do try to help people, as I said, by providing alternative clues rather than immediate answers. We do not have our own rules but do ask people to support us and join in the forum if they wish.
No, I certainly do not run this site. Nor would I want to!
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