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22nd January 2011, 17:22
help needed with 8a and 4d
41 of 47  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2011, 17:34
8A Initials of Lawence of Arabia, mention something around H (Henry). Seen on the box

4D Dying --but can't see the game bit
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22nd January 2011, 17:50
You're right - mixture of cluing (is that a word?) styles is good. It would be totally boring if all the crosswords followed the same style.

Rustler - I agree, there were some terrific clues in this crossword - some bad ones too though!
43 of 47  -   Report This Post

monkey puzzle

22nd January 2011, 17:52
4d...I think its SNUFF IT. But my only one left is 15a, which I can only make LET DOWN...any other suggestions please ?
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22nd January 2011, 17:56
8a is one of those terrific clues told people - let on
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23rd January 2011, 10:59
Thanks to all of you I have now almost finished this crossword. Before stumbling on this forum this morning I was completely stuck. Now I have all except for 11A - any hints?
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23rd January 2011, 12:59
DEfinition = 'low comment' (pun)
Remember the words "Hi Ho Silver"

you should be able to suss it out now
cheers OAK
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