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23rd January 2011, 19:02
that's it Trevor I've had enough. I shall report you to web site administrators for trying to engineer a quarrel, and if I ever meet you it's a fight!
Not so smart now are you - you big fat poo hole!
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23rd January 2011, 19:05
Quick,someone press the emergency button. Turast has wriggled out of the straight-jacket and is trying to escape.
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23rd January 2011, 19:19
up yours, tuwat!
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24th January 2011, 11:33

MoFo, anytime you goddam bitch ass punk!
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peace, brothers

24th January 2011, 11:42
ooh err - handbags at dawn?
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mrs pipesmoker

25th January 2011, 21:05
Thanks to Wendy and Trevor (my public).

Yes, Wendy, I love him so much that I worship the ground that's coming to him. I told him that he was to romance what Douglas Badder was to cross country running. He looked quite pleased, thanked me for the compliment and said that he was not familiar with achievements of this particular athlete, but would study his biography in due course. Twit.

Mrs P.
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25th January 2011, 21:37
Douglas Badder and his legs got parted.
Mrs P and her legs!.say no more. does Mr Pip understand the phrase "i enjoyed Mrs Pipesmoker"?
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mrs pipesmoker

25th January 2011, 22:30
Ah, Trevor. Memories, memories.
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25th January 2011, 22:38
Don't give me that Mrs Pipesmoker. Your neighbours have told me that Pipesmoker is not your real name. It's a nick name. Something to do with MrP making your pipes smoke. You should be bloody ashamed of yourself at your age. And I've seen the mobilephone/camera footage they accidently captured.
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mrs pipesmoker

25th January 2011, 22:42
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