Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
Please may Pipesmoker be excused from the RT Geeks and Freaks class? He really does not have the brain to qualify for either category. He can fill in the answers, but when it comes to dissecting and analysing clues, he just stands open mouthed and stares into the middle distance.
You could almost be sorry for him, if he was not so dislikeable. Recently, when the cat sank her claws into his leg, he blew through his pipe when he should have sucked. We all found this hilarious, but he just sat there, blood running down his leg, embers of hot tobacco burning there way into his scalp and making a strange yowling noise. He just could not see the funny side at all. Miserable sod. And he gave the poor wee cat an awful fright.
On the rare occasions when we feel like being civil to Pipesmoker, we call him BOG. That is short for Baldy Old Git.
Thank you for reading my letter.
Mrs Pipesmoker.