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14th January 2011, 19:43
Cheers Terry - that's what I've got. 'Slow down' in the clue didn't quite fit to my mind because it infers to me something that is slowing whilst the answer infers it's stopped.
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14th January 2011, 19:46
Terry - our exchange has got my grey cells going I don't think that is the answer - replace the 'A' with an 'L'.
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14th January 2011, 19:55

I do believe you are right. Makes sense of the second half of the clue. Well done,Crypto.
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14th January 2011, 19:59
Cheers Terry - one up to Les40 methinks.
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14th January 2011, 20:04

Probably best not to use words like up with Les40, I think he's got a bit of a fixation there.
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14th January 2011, 20:06
Terry - ok perhaps he got one over us then!
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14th January 2011, 22:19
Thanks Les40 for the crossword - am going to have a go at it but don't know whether I will get very far as I often have a mental block when it comes to cryptic clues- but worth a try.
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14th January 2011, 22:36
WoW. Thanks for the feedback. I just got back on line and was really chuffed with the response. Thanks everyone. Now I have the Dropbox feature, I will put another in tomorrow. Thing is, I will have to change the names of my files, because I named them after one of the clues in each grid, so I would recognise them, and it becomes part of the link address, as you may have noticed with the Red Indian link. My message to Mark and a few who are unsure about 11a) The first part of the clue is two words of 4 letters meaning reduce speed, the second part of the clue becomes the 8 letter answer, Think about if you avoided threading a suspendary item on your lower attire, then you would become this.
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15th January 2011, 07:44
is it knob races? - sounds like no braces?
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17th January 2011, 22:37
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