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5th December 2010, 01:56
Impudent? I think trevor74,you are taking the piss,is tonto trying to be funny or just a wanker(i dont find him funny).
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the joker

5th December 2010, 04:54
FAO Tonto.

I have just logged onto the site after being away for a week and I refer to your posting no. 18,which maligns two regular(and witty)contributors namely Terry and Trevor.

You are urging that we should try for a new site; well carry on then. I would add that your absence will not be greatly missed,as I cannot recall you being a regular contributor here.
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5th December 2010, 09:51
I, too, Mandala am having trouble logging in to fundraising site. Had only just registered and certainly had all info correct but would not let me in. Emailed them and awaiting reply. Sounds a good site and I often go there for new quizzes but have never registered for forum before.
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5th December 2010, 12:39
Well the language on the thread above wont be moving over to sitesaver thats for certain. We will welcome anyone but i'm afraid you leave the bad language behind.
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5th December 2010, 13:24
Tonto is one of those names that only crops up when it's timid and cowardly owner wants to be unpleasant. Last of the Mohicans he is not.
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5th December 2010, 13:28
Trevor74 also seems to be one wave short of a shipwreck. Why on earth should he think it OK to take over (the real) trevor's name.
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5th December 2010, 14:11
Gill1941 wrote:

I, too, Mandala am having trouble logging in to fundraising site. Had only just registered and certainly had all info correct but would not let me in. Emailed them and awaiting reply. Sounds a good site and I often go there for new quizzes but have never registered for forum before.

Stanley Batch very kindly fixed my registration by creating a new password with only lowercase letters and numbers. If you are trying to register it might be a good idea to keep to that.
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stanley batch

5th December 2010, 14:19
Hello Gill1941,

I am unable to find any e-mail from you, can you please make sure you have sent it to or used the error report system on the site.

Thanks. :)
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5th December 2010, 20:21
welcome back to The Joker,hope you had a good time.

Oddboddy, i have no problem with colourful languange being excluded.
Tonto didn't use any but his post was just as abusive and also,unprovoked.Not that i care,he is a blimin' rotter.
Also,trevor74,i told you that i would change my name to trevor2 if the name meant that much to you.
You are welcome to it.let me know,you grumpy thing you.
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5th December 2010, 21:04
Any sort of abuse or nastiness is unwelcome on fundraising quizzes, the sites a nice friendly site and I aim to keep it that way.Yes we get differences of opinion but they are aired without any bad feeling as people accept that not everyone thinks the same and everyone is entitled to their own view.
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