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  1. Flattery; deceit; trickery.
  1. In a manner to incur loss.
  1. Detrimental.
Lossy Compression
  1. The compression of binary data into a form which, when it is re-expanded, has most, but not all, of the original information. It is used primarily for compression of images and sounds, and is designed to provide a high degree of compression at the cost of a slight loss of data. It is expemplified by the JPEG compression standard. Images compressed by a lossy compression algorithm are re-expanded into an image close, but not identical to the original image; the difference between the original and the reconstructed image may be imperceptible to normal viewing by the eye.
  1. A large tree (Celtis australis), found in the south of Europe. It has a hard wood, and bears a cherrylike fruit. Called also nettle tree.
  1. See Loath, Loathly, etc.
  1. See Lotto.
  1. An East Indian monkey (Semnopithecus femoralis).
  1. A people visited by Ulysses in his wanderings. They subsisted on the lotus. See Lotus (b), and Lotus-eater.
  2. lotus eaters in Greek mythology
  1. See Lotus.