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Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. A little or insignificant lord.
Lords And Ladies
  1. The European wake-robin (Arum maculatum), -- those with purplish spadix the lords, and those with pale spadix the ladies.
  1. A good for nothing fellow; a vagabond.
  1. An instructor.
Loretto Nuns
  1. Members of a congregation of nuns founded by Mrs. Mary Teresa Ball, near Dublin, Ireland, in 1822, and now spread over Ireland, India, Canada, and the United States. The nuns are called also Ladies of Loreto. They are engaged in teaching girls.
  1. In France, a name for a woman who is supported by her lovers, and devotes herself to idleness, show, and pleasure; -- so called from the church of Notre Dame de Lorette, in Paris, near which many of them resided.
  1. One of an order of nuns founded in 1812 at Loretto, in Kentucky. The members of the order (called also Sisters of Loretto, or Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross) devote themselves to the cause of education and the care of destitute orphans, their labors being chiefly confined to the western United States. (b) A Loreto nun.
  1. Same as Lory.
  1. To cover with some protecting substance, as with lute{1}, a crust, coating, or plates.
  1. The act of loricating; the protecting substance put on; a covering of scales or plates.