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Below are the words that matched your query...

Liao Dynasty
  1. the dynasty that ruled much of Manchuria and northeastern China from 947 to 1125
Laurel And Hardy
  1. United States slapstick comedy duo who made many films together
League Of Nations
  1. an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations; although suggested by Woodrow Wilson, the United States never joined and it remained powerless; it was dissolved in 1946 after the United Nations was formed
Lions Club
  1. club dedicated to promoting responsible citizenship and good government and community and national and international welfare
Liberal Party
  1. a major political party in Great Britain in the 19th century; now the third largest; advocated reforms and improvement of the conditions of working people
Liberty Party
  1. a former political party in the United States; formed in 1839 to oppose the practice of slavery; merged with the Free Soil Party in 1848
Latin Square
  1. a square matrix of n rows and columns; cells contain n different symbols so arranged that no symbol occurs more than once in any row or column
League Of Iroquois
  1. a league of Iroquois tribes including originally the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca (the Five Nations); after 1722 they were joined by the Tuscarora (the Six Nations)
Lateran Council
  1. any of five councils of the Western Church held in the Lateran Palace
Loya Jirga
  1. a grand council or grand assembly used to resolve political conflicts or other national problems; "he convened a Grand Jirga that persuaded tribal leaders to acquiesce"