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Lane's Prince Albert
  1. apple used primarily in cooking
Lorenzo Dressing
  1. vinaigrette with chili sauce and chopped watercress
Lyonnaise Sauce
  1. brown sauce with sauteed chopped onions and parsley and dry white wine or vinegar
Lobster Newburg
  1. lobster in Newburg sauce served on buttered toast or rice
Lobster A La Newburg
  1. lobster in Newburg sauce served on buttered toast or rice
Lebanese Hizballah
  1. a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran; seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon; car bombs are the signature weapon
Laskar Jihad
  1. a paramilitary terrorist organization of militant Muslims in Indonesia; wages a jihad against Christians in Indonesia; subscribes to the Wahhabi creed of Islam
Lautaro Youth Movement
  1. a violent terrorist group organized in the 1980s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government; leaders are mainly criminals or impovrished youths
Lautaro Faction Of The United Popular Action Movem
  1. a violent terrorist group organized in the 1980s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government; leaders are mainly criminals or impovrished youths
Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces
  1. a violent terrorist group organized in the 1980s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government; leaders are mainly criminals or impovrished youths