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Leathery Polypody
  1. stiff leathery-leaved fern of western North America having ovate fronds parted to the midrib
  2. stiff leathery-leaved fern of western North America having ovate fronds parted to the midrib
  1. any of several bizarre ferns of the genus Lecanopteris having swollen hollow rhizomes that provide homes for symbiotic ants
Little Ebony Spleenwort
  1. fern of tropical America: from southern United States to West Indies and Mexico to Brazil
  2. fern of tropical America: from southern United States to West Indies and Mexico to Brazil
Lobed Spleenwort
  1. a spleenwort of eastern and southern United States
  2. a spleenwort of eastern and southern United States
Lanceolate Spleenwort
  1. a spleenwort of western Europe
  2. a spleenwort of western Europe
Leatherleaf Wood Fern
  1. North American fern with evergreen fronds
  2. North American fern with evergreen fronds
Lady Fern
  1. most widely grown fern of the genus Athyrium for its delicate foliage
  2. most widely grown fern of the genus Athyrium for its delicate foliage
Limestone Fern
  1. yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere
  2. yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere
  1. tropical terrestrial shield ferns
Leather Fern
  1. widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds
  2. stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides
  3. widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds
  4. stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides