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Lawson's Cypress
  1. large timber tree of western North America with trunk diameter to 12 feet and height to 200 feet
Lawson's Cedar
  1. large timber tree of western North America with trunk diameter to 12 feet and height to 200 feet
  1. cypresses that resemble cedars
Libocedrus Plumosa
  1. New Zealand timber tree resembling the cypress
Libocedrus Bidwillii
  1. evergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawaka
  1. genus of dioecious evergreen trees of New Zealand and Tasmania; similar to genus Dacrydium
Lagarostrobus Colensoi
  1. timber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood
Lagarostrobus Franklinii
  1. Tasmanian timber tree with yellow aromatic wavy-grained wood used for carving and ship building; sometimes placed in genus Dacrydium
  1. small usually shrubby conifers
Lepidothamnus Fonkii
  1. about the hardiest Podocarpaceae species; prostrate spreading shrub similar to mountain rimu; mountains of southern Chile