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  1. an easterly wind in the western Mediterranean area
Life Cycle
  1. a series of stages through which an organism passes between recurrences of a primary stage
  2. the course of developmental changes in an organism from fertilized zygote to maturity when another zygote can be produced
  3. a series of stages through which an organism passes between recurrences of a primary stage
  4. the course of developmental changes in an organism from fertilized zygote to maturity when another zygote can be produced
Line Spectrum
  1. a spectrum in which energy is concentrated at particular wavelengths; produced by excited atoms and ions as they fall back to a lower energy level
  2. a spectrum in which energy is concentrated at particular wavelengths; produced by excited atoms and ions as they fall back to a lower energy level
Lorentz Force
  1. the force experienced by a point charge moving along a wire that is in a magnetic field; the force is at right angles to both the current and the magnetic field; "the Lorentz force can be used to suspend a current-carrying object between two magnets"
Luminous Energy
  1. the energy associated with visible light
  2. the energy associated with visible light
Laser Beam
  1. a beam of light generated by a laser
  2. a beam of light generated by a laser
Low Beam
  1. the beam of a car's headlights that provides illumination for a short distance
  2. the beam of a car''s headlights that provides illumination for a short distance
Line Storm
  1. a violent rainstorm near the time of an equinox
  2. a violent rainstorm near the time of an equinox
Long Wave
  1. a radio wave with a wavelength longer than a kilometer (a frequency below 300 kilohertz)
  2. a radio wave with a wavelength longer than a kilometer (a frequency below 300 kiloHertz)
Line Squall
  1. a squall advancing along a front that forms a definite line
  2. a squall advancing along a front that forms a definite line