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Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. a genus of Limacidae
  1. periwinkles
  1. type genus of the family Littorinidae: periwinkles
  1. any of various usually marine gastropods with low conical shells; found clinging to rocks in littoral areas
  2. mollusk with a low conical shell
  1. any of various usually marine gastropods with low conical shells; found clinging to rocks in littoral areas
  2. mollusk with a low conical shell
  1. oysters; clams; scallops; mussels
  1. marine or freshwater mollusks having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together
Long-Neck Clam
  1. an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
  2. a clam that is usually steamed in the shell
  3. an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
  4. a clam that is usually steamed in the shell
  1. a young quahog
  2. a quahog when young and small; usually eaten raw; an important food popular in New York
  1. a young quahog
  2. a quahog when young and small; usually eaten raw; an important food popular in New York