Propose the Spanish cricketer returns - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 03/03/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Propose the Spanish cricketer returns.

5 letter answer(s) to propose the spanish cricketer returns

  1. a company of people assembled at a table for a meal or game; "he entertained the whole table with his witty remarks"
  2. a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs; "it was a sturdy table"
  3. a set of data arranged in rows and columns; "see table 1"
  4. arrange or enter in tabular form
  5. flat tableland with steep edges; "the tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water"
  6. food or meals in general; "she sets a fine table"; "room and board"
  7. hold back to a later time; "let's postpone the exam"

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