Putrid - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 12/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Putrid.

4 letter answer(s) to putrid

  1. a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another; "the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen"
  2. assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
  3. complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity"
  4. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross ineptitude"; "gross injustice"; "rank treachery"
  5. growing profusely; "rank jungle vegetation"
  6. position in a social hierarchy; "the British are more aware of social status than Americans are"
  7. relative status; "his salary was deter

6 letter answer(s) to putrid

  1. damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless; "rotten floor boards"; "rotted beams"; "a decayed foundation"
  2. having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness; "dead and rotten in his grave"
  3. Politically corrupt
  4. very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world"

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