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105 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a family of order Parietales including the genera Viola, Hybanthus, Hymenanthera, Melicytus
  1. adjective - violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity"
  1. noun - Old World vipers
  1. - Shaped like a little twig or rod.
  1. noun - extreme harmfulness (as the capacity of a microorganism to cause disease); "the virulence of the plague"
  2. extreme hostility; "the virulence of the malicious old man"
  1. noun - in some classifications considered a subfamily of Loranthaceae
  1. - To deprive of the viscera, or entrails; to eviscerate; to disembowel.
  1. - Liable or subject to be visited or inspected.
  1. verb - form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract; "Mathematicians often visualize"
  2. imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
  3. make visible; "With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized"
  4. view the outline of by means of an X-ray; "The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver"
  1. verb - form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract; "Mathematicians often visualize"
  2. imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
  3. make visible; "With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized"
  4. view the outline of by means of an X-ray; "The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver"