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11 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - a colorless crystalline substance obtained from the bile of mammals
  2. of or relating to or resembling a bull
  1. noun - murder and robbery by thugs
  1. - An oil, C10H16O, the chief constituent of cedar leaf oil (thuja oil), which is obtained from the northern white cedar (arbor vitae, Thuja occidentalis) or the western Red Cedar (Thuja plicatis). It is a stimulant similar to camphor. It is also called thujol, thuyol, absinthol, thuyone, tanacetol, and tanacetone.
  1. - The chiff-chaff.
  1. noun - a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem
  2. an aggressive and violent young criminal
  1. - A lithographic drawing or painting material of the same nature as lithographic ink. It is also used as a resistant in the biting-in process.
  1. noun - a low bed to be slid under a higher bed
  2. a wheel or circle of cheese
  3. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering; "He is always kowtowing to his boss"
  4. yield to out of weakness
  1. noun - any of various highly prized edible subterranean fungi of the genus Tuber; grow naturally in southwestern Europe
  2. creamy chocolate candy
  3. edible subterranean fungus of the genus Tuber
  1. - The Richardson's skua (Stercorarius parasiticus).
  1. noun - a low bed to be slid under a higher bed
  2. move heavily; "the streetcar trundled down the avenue"
  3. small wheel or roller