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Matching Words

53 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
  1. noun - an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft"
  1. noun - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
  2. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering; "He is always kowtowing to his boss"
  1. noun - United States abstract painter influenced by oriental calligraphy (1890-1976)
  1. adverb - in these times; "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished"- Nancy Mitford; "we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets"; "today almost every home has television"
  2. on this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrow; "I can't meet with you today"
  3. the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow); "Today is beautiful"; "did you see today's newspaper?"
  4. the present time or age; "the world of today"; "today we have computers"
  1. noun - a mixed drink made of liquor and water with sugar and spices and served hot
  1. noun - caramelized sugar cooled in thin sheets
  1. noun - Hungarian wine made from Tokay grapes
  2. variety of wine grape originally grown in Hungary; the prototype of vinifera grapes
  1. - A private soldier in the British Army.
  2. Bread, -- generally a penny roll; the supply of food carried by workmen as their daily allowance.
  3. Type of gun
  1. - Tossing the head, as in scorn or pride; hence, proud; contemptuous; scornful; affectedly indifferent; as, a tossy commonplace.