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18 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - a method of writing rapidly
  2. written in abbreviated or symbolic form; "shorthand notes"
  1. - A sucking whale less than one year old; -- so called by sailors.
  1. noun - English breed of short-horned cattle
  1. noun - a list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen
  2. put someone or something on a short list
  3. Whittled down to a few
  1. noun - an abrupt discourteous manner
  2. the condition of being short of something; "there was no shortness of money"; "can cause shortness of breath"
  3. the property of being of short spatial extent; "the shortness of the Channel crossing"
  4. the property of being of short temporal extent; "the shortness of air travel time"
  5. the property of being shorter than average stature
  6. the property of being truncated or short
  1. noun - (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position
  2. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
  1. unknown - A radio wave of a wavelength between approximately 10 and 100 m (and a frequency of about 3 to 30 MHz)
  1. - Any one of several species of small wrenlike Asiatic birds having short wings and a short tail. They belong to Brachypterix, Callene, and allied genera.