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53 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - collect or gather into shocks; "shock grain"
  2. collide violently
  3. giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation;
  4. glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism; "lurid details of the accident"
  5. inflict a trauma upon
  6. strike with disgust or revulsion;
  7. strike with horror or terror; "The news of the bombing shocked her"
  8. subject to electrical shocks
  9. surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off; "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"
  1. verb - cause a sharp and sudden pain in; "The pain shot up her leg"
  2. emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully; "The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth"
  3. fire a shot; "the gunman blasted away"
  4. force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing; "inject hydrogen into the balloon"
  5. give an injection to; "We injected the glucose into the patient's vein"
  6. hit with a missile from a weapon
  7. kill by firing a missile
  8. killing someone by gunfire; "when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies"
  9. make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"
  10. measure the altitude of by using a sextant; "shoot a star"
  11. move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"
  12. produce buds, branches, or germinate; "the potatoes sprouted"
  13. record on photographic film; "I photographed the scene of the accident"; "She snapp
  1. verb - do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
  2. do one's shopping; "She goes shopping every Friday"
  3. give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
  4. searching for or buying goods or services; "went shopping for a reliable plumber"; "does her shopping at the mall rather than down town"
  5. shop around; not necessarily buying; "I don't need help, I'm just browsing"
  6. the commodities purchased from stores; "she loaded her shopping into the car"women carrying home shopping didn't give me a second glance"
  1. - The skin of a sheen after the fleece is shorn off, as distinct from the morling, or skin taken from the dead sheep; also, a sheep of the first year's shearing.
  1. verb - cheat someone by not returning him enough money
  2. create a short circuit in
  1. verb - encouragement in the form of cheers from spectators; "it's all over but the shouting"
  2. use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher"
  3. utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"
  4. utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"
  5. utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking); "My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout"
  6. uttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement
  1. - a. & n. from Slock.
  1. verb - strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
  2. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
  3. work doggedly or persistently; "She keeps plugging away at her dissertation"
  1. verb - cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container; "spill the milk"; "splatter water"
  2. feed pigs
  3. ladle clumsily; "slop the food onto the plate"
  4. walk through mud or mire; "We had to splosh across the wet meadow"
  1. verb - make a splashing sound; "water was splashing on the floor"
  2. spill or splash copiously or clumsily; "slosh paint all over the walls"
  3. walk through mud or mire; "We had to splosh across the wet meadow"