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Matching Words

261 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - furnish with a rim; "rim a hat"
  2. roll around the rim of; "the ball rimmed the basket"
  3. run around the rim of; "Sugar rimmed the dessert plate"
  1. verb - attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"
  2. extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
  3. get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
  4. having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant
  5. make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"
  6. ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"
  7. sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
  8. the giving of a ring as a token of engagement
  9. the sound of a bell ringing; "the distinctive ring of the church bell"; "the ringing of the telephone"; "the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"--E. A. Poe
  1. - Skating in a rink.
  1. verb - clean with some chemical process
  2. rinse one's mouth and throat with mouthwash; "gargle with this liquid"
  3. the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing
  4. wash off soap or remaining dirt
  1. verb - a state of disorder involving group violence
  2. engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; "They were out carousing last night"
  3. take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot; "Students were rioting everywhere in 1968"
  1. - Excess; tumult; revelry.
  1. verb - criticize or abuse strongly and violently; "The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly"
  2. cut (wood) along the grain
  3. move precipitously or violently; "The tornado ripped along the coast"
  4. resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree; "the tree split with a great ripping sound"; "heard a rending roar as the crowd surged forward"
  5. tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"
  1. noun - a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current
  2. a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore
  1. adjective - involving risk or danger; "skydiving is a hazardous sport"; "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog"; "a wild financial scheme"
  2. not financially safe or secure; "a bad investment"; "high risk investments"; "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"; "speculative business enterprises"
  1. adverb - in a dangerously risky manner; "he lost the game by playing too riskily"